My Work

Breakout Game

This project is my first attempt at making a game using JavaScript. I enjoy playing video games a lot and have always wanted to give making one a go. I came across a tutorial by FreeCodeCamp that was an intro to game dev with JavaScript and thought this tutorial would be a good opportunity to finally attempt this. The game is a basic version of the brick breakout game that the tutorial covers building. This is a work in progress as I have been slowly expanding the game logic to include some power ups (only has one so far) as the original tutorial does not cover how to build in powerups.

Viewable here: Breakout Game

Video Game Quiz

This project is my first experience using the VueJS framework and is based on a tutorial that I was following to learn the basic concepts and get some experience in using the framework. The questions are provided by a third party API that returns the question, a list of possible answers and, of course, the correct answer. The project has two main components, the first is the header component at the top of the page showing the logo, the number of questions answered and the total correct answers and the second is the questionbox component which displays the question, the answers and handles the user's interaction with it and the submit and next buttons. The project does need a few updates and I plan to update it as I learn more about the framework.

Viewable here: Video Game Quiz

User Managerment Tool

This started off as a technical exercise for a interview that I took as a way to learn more bootstrap and angular. It is a basic user managerment system with the ability to add, delete and update user data. It needs to be expanded to check for duplicate users. It uses a mix of jQuery, Angular and boostrap on the front end and the API that modifies the data is written in PHP. The PHP section just uses a file to store the user data in a json file. It may eventually be updated to use a database for storing user data as this would be better.

Viewable here: User Manger

Welding Course Enrolment

This was an assessment at university and was my first experience with jQuery. The task was to create a page that allowed users to select modules for a welding course. The jQuery library is used to limit the selections based on the rules for the course.

Viewable here: Welding Enrolment

LastFM Feed

Another API based project using APIs from LastFM to fetch my last played tracks and my top artists, albums and tracks. There there several ajax requests in the background that call php scripts that get the data and return it as json. The front end uses angularJS to then display this information. The dropdown then triggers a show/hide of templates in AngularJS to show each area.

Viewable here: LastFM

Blackjack Game

This is a simple version of casino blackjack that is created using basic HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This started as a technical test for an interview and grew from there to be a little more graphical. It still needs some work as I want to improve it a little by using templating tools like MustacheJs but haven't put that part in yet.

Viewable here Blackjack Game

Movie Search App (Angular version)

This is my first real angular project and it is a one page application so there is no page reloading. It uses an API fom TheMovieDB on the back end to make a request for data after the user types in their search and submits, the angular then processes the JSON response and then uses it to build HTML to show on the page.

Viewable here: Movie Search

Picture Slideshow

This uses a plugin for jQuery called bxslider. It creates a slide show of images with controls for scrolling through each of them. I learnt about this while working at a previous job as I had to set it up for several sites that wanted to have product carousels on some of their pages. It meant I had to research the plugin and the available options to set it up for each client. The slideshow is showing a few random xbox screenshots.

Viewable here: Picture Slideshow

Wine Store Angular

This is an angular version of my original php based wine store (see the example below this one to see the original). It still uses some PHP and MySQL to fetch the wine data from the database and then convert it into json. The angular part takes over from there as the site uses angular to display the data and control all of the requried functionality needed to make a newer, more shiny version of my store.

Viewable here: Wine Store Angular

Wine Store PHP

My first large PHP project. The task was to create a store that sold wine and create an online storefront for it. Users have their own shopping cart to keep track of their current purchases. The project uses PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS and PHP Sessions. It uses a PDO object to access the database of wines. This was my first big php project when I was at university and was the first time I had to build something from scratch.

Viewable here: Wine Store PHP